SK-1123-SDQ Seco-Larm Weather-Resistant Rugged Illuminated Stand-Alone Keypad
- Brand
- Seco-Larm
- SKU:
- SK-1123-SDQ
- 1,100 Users over 2 Outputs. Codes may be 4~8 digits: - Output #1 Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 1,000 users - Output #2 Form C relay, 1A@30VDC, 100 users
- Outputs can be programmed to activate for up to 99,999 seconds (nearly 28 hours)
- Super user code gives admin access to keypad
- Up to 50 (01~50) possible temporary visitor codes, which can be programmed for one-time or limited-time use (1~99 hours)
- Programmable egress input with optional warning alarm and delayed egress
- Real-time clock to auto-disable access at specific times
- Up to 50 (01~50) duress codes for output #1 and 10 (01~10) for output #2